Wednesday, 14 August 2013


There are so many lessons we can learn from the topic “WHEN PRAYER BECOMES TOO LATE”. They are stated below:
1.       Experience is sometimes not the best teacher: there are five major ways that one can learn in life. Basically people do not make mistakes, what they do is to learn lessons.
(a)    You can learn your lessons by reading books. The bible says, “we through the knowledge of the learning of the scriptures we have hope.” You can learn by reading books.
(b)   You can learn by being taught. Someone can actually teach you. That is why we keep teaching in churches, Sunday school, house fellowship, Bible study, etc to make people learn.
(c)    You can learn by observation.
(d)    You can learn through others. It is often said that a person who falls into the pit will teach others not to travel the same way.
(e)   You can learn through a nasty experience. It’s very unfortunate that so many people prefer this method. Experience is not sometimes the best teacher because you may not recover from that experience enough to apply the lessons you have learnt. That rich man experienced hell fire but that experience did not help him because there is no exit from there. One of the strange things about hell fire is that it only has an entrance door without the option of exit.
2.       God does not condone sin no matter how placed you are: If you check the Bible very well you will discover that God did not spare people who committed sin. The Bible says that Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord but when he went into sin he was not spared. Abraham made a mistake and God did not spare him either. Moses was a man who was with God face to face was not spared. And so many other ones like Solomon, David, and Samson.
3.       Physical death does not end everything: When we die physically we are still going to resume another life somewhere (eternity).
4.       Mercy is not available in hell fire: The important is not to go there because the moment someone enters into hell the door of mercy will be completely closed.
5.       Status does not guaranty heaven: Most time so many people believe that maybe their position in the society has put them in good stead of making it. But it’s not. We read the account of the rich man whose wealth could not save from the dangers of hell fire.
6.       Our bad example can be followed by others: it’s a tragedy to show concern for others when it is too late to do so.

There reader! I strongly believe that there will be a serious prayer meeting in hell fire. The suffering rich man cried out to Abraham and Lazarus making two prayer requests:
(a)    He prayed for water.
(b)   He prayed for witnesses.

Neither of these prayer requests was answered by the Lord. It was too late to pray. He prayed at the wrong time and he prayed to the wrong person (Abraham) instead of God though.
Today is the day of salvation tomorrow may be too late. Ecclesiastes 9:10 “whatsoever  thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, where you go.

Remain blessed.

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