Tuesday, 20 August 2013


1.       Disinfect your life: if you want the fire of God in your life, you have to first disinfect your life and place it on the altar of God. A holy and clean life always annoys the devil. A Christian with pure heart, mind, life, and body is surrounded by the fire of God. Which burns very bright. Naked eyes may not be able to see the purity in you but Satan and men with occult eyes can see you.
A brother had a problem and was taken to an herbalist. The herbalist requested that he should be taken away, saying that he did not want any contact with him because he had “that thing” inside. He said, “The people with “that thing” do not come here, rather we go to them. So the man could see the fire inside the brother but the brother could not see it himself. Satan cannot stand the dedicated and committed children of God. Unfortunately, the devil is using so many devices including immorality to remove the fire of so many people. Many are going out with unbelievers and the children of the devil. All the foul words, foul thoughts, etc, defile people’s temples. You must disinfect your life if you want have that fire.

2.       You must be humble:  a humble man is a stronger man of the Bible. The humble man occupies a high place in heaven. The Bible says “I am the most high, the high and lifted up and I dwell in the heart of the humble.” The lord hates proud people because that is the character of the devil. If you see anyone who is proud and gets angry, demons will not leave the person alone. The easiest way to force the devil out of his stronghold is to be totally submitted to God, be humble.

3.       Make sure you keep the right company: we are a separated people. You must make sure you keep away from all sorts of contamination. A Christian’s closet friend cannot be an unbeliever. The Bible says, “Avoid them.” If you have been delivered from the drinking group, do not go back to them. When you are determined to live the kind of life God wants you to live, He too will be determined to do great things in your life. We need to cry to God today, cry for that fire to fall on us. We need to continue to cry for the fire all the time and everywhere. 

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